Date: 2025-01-20 Time: 11:00am Location: Zoom
Attendees (13): Jessica Leahy (LQ), Elayne Fyckes (LQ), Arielle Warten (LQ), Julia Asselstine(LU), Francoise Bravay (CVLC), Robin Sales (Mother Goose Montreal), Greg Graham (WQLC), Anne Mackay (SSLC), Enza Ciampanelli (TLE), Cathy Nolan (QCRC), Wendy Seys (YLC), Marlene Dagenais (LLC), Angelina Leggo (GLC)
Topic 1: Family Literacy Month
-Reminder to members to send family literacy programs/events so that LQ can promote them in our events calendar and Newsletter going out on January 27th. We will also be on the lookout for family literacy-themed events members post on social media.
Topic 2: First Book Canada Update
-Reached out to First Book Canada about whether pop-up is happening in August. No confirmation yet.
-Members who wished to receive a First Book Canada gift card will be receiving money instead. We will send a follow-up email with the information we need from you so that you can receive the money.
Topic 3: LQ Marketing Plan
-LQ has hired a marketing consultant to raise awareness about our helpline and podcast with the goals of increasing the subscriber count for our podcast and boost awareness of helpline to those who need it.
-Marketing consultant has an extensive background, includes working for Molson
-By raising brand awareness of LQ, we would also like to raise awarness of our councils
Topic 4: LQ Strategic Plan
-We will have our Strategic Planning Session tomorrow led by Marie-Claude (who some may know from our CHSSN Mental Health Project)
-We will keep you updated with information relevant to you
Topic 5: Open Discussion
-Follow up regarding email sent in October about potential $225,000 from PACTE 2025. No news as of yet, will likely not hear back before May 2025. If councils wish to receive more money, they must ask for more.
-Discussion about what kind of family literacy programs and events members have planned for Family Literacy Month
-Discussion about how registrations are going at the councils. Group classes more common than one-on-one sessions. English as a second language requests are also common; however, councils are not mandated to provide services for that
-Reminder that PACTE formulaire must be submitted in French; however, Activity Report can be in English