Meeting Notes: 2025-01-20

Date: 2025-01-20 Time: 11:00am Location: Zoom
Attendees (13): Jessica Leahy (LQ), Elayne Fyckes (LQ), Arielle Warten (LQ), Julia Asselstine(LU), Francoise Bravay (CVLC), Robin Sales (Mother Goose Montreal), Greg Graham (WQLC), Anne Mackay (SSLC), Enza Ciampanelli (TLE), Cathy Nolan (QCRC), Wendy Seys (YLC), Marlene Dagenais (LLC), Angelina Leggo (GLC)

Topic 1: Family Literacy Month
-Reminder to members to send family literacy programs/events so that LQ can promote them in our events calendar and Newsletter going out on January 27th. We will also be on the lookout for family literacy-themed events members post on social media.

Topic 2: First Book Canada Update
-Reached out to First Book Canada about whether pop-up is happening in August. No confirmation yet.
-Members who wished to receive a First Book Canada gift card will be receiving money instead. We will send a follow-up email with the information we need from you so that you can receive the money.

Topic 3: LQ Marketing Plan
-LQ has hired a marketing consultant to raise awareness about our helpline and podcast with the goals of increasing the subscriber count for our podcast and boost awareness of helpline to those who need it.
-Marketing consultant has an extensive background, includes working for Molson
-By raising brand awareness of LQ, we would also like to raise awarness of our councils

Topic 4: LQ Strategic Plan
-We will have our Strategic Planning Session tomorrow led by Marie-Claude (who some may know from our CHSSN Mental Health Project)
-We will keep you updated with information relevant to you

Topic 5: Open Discussion
-Follow up regarding email sent in October about potential $225,000 from PACTE 2025. No news as of yet, will likely not hear back before May 2025. If councils wish to receive more money, they must ask for more.
-Discussion about what kind of family literacy programs and events members have planned for Family Literacy Month
-Discussion about how registrations are going at the councils. Group classes more common than one-on-one sessions. English as a second language requests are also common; however, councils are not mandated to provide services for that
-Reminder that PACTE formulaire must be submitted in French; however, Activity Report can be in English

Meeting Notes: 2024-11-25

Date: 2024-11-25 Time: 11:00am Location: Zoom
Attendees (11): Jessica Leahy (LQ), Elayne Fyckes (LQ), Arielle Warten (LQ), Darlene (TLE), Francoise (CVLC), Robin (Mother Goose Montreal), Greg (WQLC), Anne Mackay (SSLC), Enza Ciampanelli (TLE), Cathy (QCRC), Wendy (YLC)

Topic 1: Introductions
-Welcomed new LQ staff members, Elayne Fyckes (Operations Manager) and Arielle Warten (Project, Policy and Partnership Coordinator). General introduction of each attendee, their role, and their organization.

Topic 2: Social Media
Group discussion about what kind of social media workshop members are interested in/would like to see.
-Instagram brought up by some as not beneficial for their needs, as well as having less engagement on there. Conducting a needs assessment could be a good idea to figure out how to best use social media, as well as which platform.
-Interest in a social media workshop where members could all share best practices.
-Social Media is great for attracting a wider audience, but some members would like to see a greater focus/reach on their local communities.
-Interest in a workshop on how to best utilize the project management software

Topic 3: Open Discussion
PACTE discussion about project funding.
-Dicussion about CELI’s 2024-26 Call for Proposals, who is thinking of applying. Extended dealine: Friday, November 29.
M-30 Approval and Authorization Process:
John McMahon – new assistant deputy minister of the Secretariat for Relations with English-Speaking Quebecers.
-LQ will find out if First Book Pop-up Canada is coming back to Montreal, considering they did not have one in Montreal this past summer.
-Holiday closures and returns: LQ will close office December 19, 2024 and return January 6, 2025.

Meeting Notes: 2024-10-15

Date: 2024-10-15 Time: 11:00am Location: Zoom
Attendees (12): Jessica Leahy (LQ), Margaret Caine-Michalakos (LQ), Darlene (TLE), Wendy (YLC), Emilee (YLC), Mariah (YLC), Tabatha (TLE), Francoise (CVLC), Marlene (LLC), Angelina (GLC), Rachel (SSLC), Julia (LU), Joy (RECLAIM)

Topic 1: Introductions
-Welcomed Margaret Caine-Michalakos, Literacy Quebec’s new Executive Director. General introduction of each attendee, their role, and information about the programs/services their organization offers.

Topic 2: Reminder: Workshop on Fostering Inclusivity: Empowering Educators with AI-Powered Tech Tools
-When: October 23, 11:00am-12:00 pm ET
-Where: Zoom (link to be sent out)
Who: Workshop is open to Literacy Quebec members only.
Join us for an engaging session where we’ll look into the potential of free tech tools in cultivating inclusivity within foundational learner classes, focusing on plain language and multilingual materials. Participants will learn how to use AI-based tech tools to communicate with potential learners, create class materials, and reduce language barriers. During our time together, we’ll bring these tools to life with live demos, so you can see firsthand how they can enhance your class preparation and in-class sessions. You’re invited to join interactive discussions, where your insights and experiences are not only valued but celebrated. By the end of our session, you’ll leave with practical strategies and a toolkit of resources that you can easily apply in your teaching. Our journey is dedicated to embracing inclusivity through a multilingual and plain language lens, enriching the learning experience for all.
-Registration form:

Topic 3: Open Discussion
-Discussion about PACTE. There will be a PACTE meeting that LQ will attend. Joy will provide an update to members.

Meeting Notes: 2024-09-17

Date: 2024-09-17 Time: 11:00am Location: Zoom
Attendees (10): Jessica Leahy (LQ), Darlene (TLE), Wendy (YLC), Emilee (YLC), Tabatha (TLE), Francoise (CVLC), Angelina (GLC), Greg (WQLC), Anne Mackay (SSLC), Julia (LU)

Topic 1: Intro – Welcome back!
-Happy International Literacy Month!

Topic 2: Éducaloi- Bill 25 Workshop
-When: September 30th, 11:30 am-12:30 pm
-Where: Zoom (link to be sent out the morning of the workshop)
-Workshop will be open to Literacy Quebec members and the public, and will give an overview of Bill 25 in the context of online privacy safety and compliance for both individuals and organizations.
-Presented by Katy Stoneburner, who is an IT web designer and educator with a particular interest in online privacy legislation and helping people navigate the digital landscape safely.
-Registration form:

Topic 3: T-shirt and Book Giveaway for Members!
-LQ would like to offer our members free T-shirts and books
-T-shirts include LQ heart shirts and past Charity Challenge shirts. Sizes of up to 10 t-shirts can be requested per organization. We have a limited number of sizes and kinds of each; therefore, we will try to accommodate you as best we can.
-As for the books, the list will be available in tomorrow’s Weekly Update
-To put in your request, contact Jessica directly at [email protected]. **Please note the T-shirts and books will be given on a first come, first serve basis.**

Topic 4: First Book Gift Certificates
-LQ would like to gift each of our 11 councils who are full members a $250 First Book gift certificate. Our 3 associate members would receive $100 each and our affiliate member would receive $50.
-However, each council must be a member of First Book to receive the certificate. If you are not already a member, you can sign up for free:

Topic 5: Job Openings/ Member Events
-For any job openings or events, feel free to let us know and we’ll include them in our newsletter and/or in our Member Calendar!

Topic 6: Open Discussion
-Discussion about PACTE
-Discussion about (Project Management Platform and CRM). Free version for not-for-profits.

Meeting Notes: 2024-05-28

Date: 2024-05-28 Time: 11:00am Location: Zoom

Attendees (9): Jessica Leahy (LQ), Heather Sakowski (LQ), Angelina Leggo (GLC), Wendy Seys (YLC), Elisha Simon (GLC), Anne Mackay (SSLC), Enza Ciampanelli (TLE), Tabatha Brown-Gerkes (TLE), Marlene Dagenais (LLC)

Topic 1: Intro
-This will be our last Member Meetup before the summer holidays. The next Member Meetup will take place in September. General introductions for the group as it was Elisha Simon’s first time attending a Member’s Meetup.

Topic 2: LQ AGM Reminder
-Will take place on June 19th, 2024 at noon via Zoom.
-The agenda, the Activity Report, last year’s AGM minutes, the Zoom link, and other pertinent information will be sent at least 10 days in advance to members via email.
-AGM should take no longer than 30 minutes.

Topic 3: CELI Workshops Feedback
-Opened the floor to a general discussion about people’s thoughts regarding the CELI workshops. There was a comment that there was a desire to hear more about Skills for Success (SFS), rather than a general overview. Also, there was mention that it was very helpful for writing grants and he provided great feedback. They also benefited from watching the recording after the actual virtual meetings.

Topic 4: Charity Challenge
-So far, we have fundraised $7k+! We have surpassed our goal of $5000! Well done, everyone!
-Fundraising continues until May 31st. Virtual runners, you still have time to complete your distances.
-Link to fundraise:

Topic 5: More closings for the summer?
-June 12th is the last day for GLC.

Topic 6: Open Discussion
General discussion about PACTE and Rattrapage Scolaire

Meeting Notes: 2024-04-23

Date: 2024-04-23 Time: 11:30am Location: Zoom

Attendees (7): Jessica Leahy (LQ), Heather Sakowski (LQ), Marlene (LLC, Angelina (GLC), Anne (SSLC) , Wendy (YLC), and Emilee (YLC).

Topic 1: Trainings/Workshops of Interest
-We are planning workshops/trainings for YR 2024-25 and would like to hear what topics you are interested in.
-Is AI still a topic of interest?
-What topics have you enjoyed in the past?

  • AI as a learning tool for members.
  • ADHD/autism diagnosis amongst adults, particularly seniors.
  • Workshop on publishing books, materials.
  • Group insurance – not a workshop. Just for research. Also perhaps something about retirement.
  • Evaluations.

Topic 2: Éducaloi Workshop Topics
-Our project with Educaloi is renewed for the YR 2024-25. As always, we will plan 6 legal information workshops.
-What legal topics would you like to see?
-Some examples:

  • Seniors: powers of attorney; wills, housing issues; health care decisions; end of life health care; elder abuse; preventing fraud and scams against seniors; rights of users of the health and social services system, including complaint procedures
  • For general public: landlord-tenant laws; consumer rights, labour standards; cannabis
  • For couples: differences between married and unmarried (common law) couples; family law issues (divorce, child custody, etc.)
  • For students: rights of young workers, cyberbullying; sharing intimate images online, cannabis laws; the criminal law, presentation of legal careers


  • Harassment – what are your rights to document and file reports?
  • Housing
  • Cohabitation
  • Advocating for students with special needs
  • Seniors
  • Mandate in case of incapacity
  • MAID – medical assisted death

Topic 3: CELI Workshops
-Thank you to those who completed the Doodle poll and submitted their preferred dates!-Grant Writing with Impact Workshop-Monday, May 6 12:00 – 2:00 pm-Organizational Leadership and Governance Workshop-Wednesday, May 8 from 12:00 – 2:00 pm- For those who are unable to make one or both of these workshops, the recording and presentation slides will be made available to you in the Weekly Update and/or through a follow-up email. That way, you can still book a one-on-one session with Thomas Ledwell, the presenter.
– Any questions? Just general questions about those who cannot attend either of the workshops. Will be available in the member portal and a link to the presentations will be distributed in the weekly update.

Topic 4: Charity Challenge
-A big shout out to our in-person runners who completed their races this past Saturday!
-Fundraising continues until May 31st. Virtual runners, you still have time to complete your distances.
-Link to fundraise:

Topic 5: Who’s closing for the summer?

June 30 – mid August closure for Yamaska Literacy Council. June 30 – closed for Gaspesie Literacy Council. Closed for July – Laurentian Literacy Centre. July & August closed for South Shore Literacy Council.

Topic 6: Open Discussion
General discussion about PACTE. AGM meeting. Wendy will share documentation on Bill 25 once it is finalized. General discussion around Bill 59.

Meeting Notes: 2024-02-08

Date: 2024-02-08 Time: 10:30am-11:15am Location: Virtual meeting

Attendance (10): Laura Thomspon (LQ),Françoise Bravay (CVLC), Angelina Leggo (GLC), Darlene Brown (TLE), Heather Sakowski (LQ),Wendy Seys (YLC), Marlene Dagenais (LLC), Jessica Leahy (LQ), Rachel Wagner (SSLC), Katia Toimil-Bramhall (Seniors Action Quebec)

Topic 1: Seniors Action Quebec Introduction with Katia Toimil-Bramhall, Executive Director

  • Promoting literacy amongst English-speaking Quebec seniors
  • They do research & policy; 21 webinars for this year.
  • Resilience training – building resiliency for seniors, but also including all ages due to the timing (during COVID Pandemic)
  • Je me souviens research program – how English speaking seniors feel about their sense of belonging

Topic 2: Introductions

  • Welcomed LQ’s new Program Manager, Heather Sakowski!
  • Jessica will now take on the position of Community Development, Outreach, and Communications Coordinator aka Member Support

Topic 3: School Strike Emergency Fund

  • From Education Minister Bernard Drainville, plan includes providing $42 million to community groups
  • Some of the funding will be going to PACTE funded organizations who apply for it, and it will be non-recurring
  • Has anyone heard back?
  • Money for teachers to tutor
  • Funding available for the summer
  • Mentioned the desire to have an organizational chart during a general discussion regarding funding
  • LQ can write an email to Josée on behalf of our Members

Topic 4: Charity Challenge

  • Referral link:
  • $5 referral fee by using our link
  • In-person at Parc Jean Drapeau: April 20
  • Virtual format: Between April 1st and May 1st
  • Options: 21k, 10k, and 5k
  • For any questions, you can contact Jessica at [email protected]

Open Discussion

  • ED/HR conference. Please confirm with Joy ASAP
  • Feb 29. @ Dix-30. (CHSSN) NPIs meeting. Filter money to community organizations

Meeting Notes: 2024-01-26

Date: 2024-01-16 Time: 11am – 12pm Location: Virtual meeting

Attendance (17): Laura, Joy Fyckes (RECLAIM), Marie-Claude Gratton (Éspace Idées), Françoise Bravay (CVLC), Angelina Leggo (GLC), Darlene Brown (TLE), Cathy Nolan (QCRC), Ève Buisson St-Cyr (LQ), Greg Graham (WQLC), Emilee Veluz (YLC), Julia Asselstine (LU), Anne Mackay (SSLC), Tabi Brown-Gerkes (TLE), Wendy Seys (YLC), Jule Guay (YLC), Marlene Dagenais (LLC), Nydia Pando (United for Literacy)

Topic 1: Ministry of Education – Urgent funding

  • Joy had attended the meeting with Minister Drainville that announced this funding was coming. In the meeting, he focused on how literacy starts at home. This is one-time non-recurring funding to support activities to help those impacted by the strike. Not for new projects. Just for amping up, or increasing things you’re already doing.
  • DEADLINE is Friday, January 19, 2024
  • Questions: Can we reach additional schools with a program we’re already doing? YES
  • Activities MUST reached those affected by the strike
  • No limit on amount of funding that can be requested
  • Supplies could be included in “Other” on budget
  • Expect to hear back about applications by the end of January

Topic 2: Mental Health Needs AssessmentGeneral themes that arose in the discussion:

  • More people are struggling
    • Which is putting our staff and volunteers in situations they are not prepared for
    • Homelessness, general anxiety and food insecurity, finding work are key issues
    • People are also more willing to talk about their mental health
  • As teams grew during the pandemic, Human Resources management is becoming more important
  • A need to create policies to keep staff and volunteers from becoming too involved with learners – setting clear boundaries
  • Lists of resources needed to which to refer people

Meeting Notes: 2023-10-30

Date: 2023-10-30 Time: 11am Location: Zoom

Attendance (10): Niamh (LQ), Jessica (LQ), Eve (LQ), Angelina Leggo (GLC), Robin Sales (Mother Goose Montreal), Greg Graham (WQLC), Wendy Seys (YLC), Marlene Dagnais (LLC), Enza (TLE), Julia Asselstine (LU)

Topic 1: PACTE
-Member: We got approved for a grant we had applied for a long time ago (PACTE Project). Is this normal?
-Member: It depends on the year. They announce the projects when they feel like it, and although it is a bit late, it should be fine.

Topic 2: Upcoming workshops & presentations
Wednesday Nov 1 @11am – ELAN workshop – grants
The event will be recorded, but if anyone has any questions, they can email Niamh ([email protected])

Nov 7 @10am – Burnout to Balance-Mental Health workshop
Workshop will be 1.5 hours. Based on feedback from the first one, we are going to extend it. It will be recorded.

Nov 15 & 16 – LQ Mental Health conference

TBD – Bill 25 – Data Privacy laws
-Would be beneficial for members. How late until December can LQ go? Does the end of November or the first week of December work?
-Member: Early December might be better
-Niamh will set a date asap

Topic 3: AI Forum-Popular topic. How does it affect learners?
There is interest, but not before December
-Would like to know more about tools & resources.
-Would like to know more about its benefits and how to use it as an educational tool.

Topic 4: Social Media
-If anyone has social media questions to consider for a future workshop, email Niamh ([email protected])
-Social media is constantly changing. Niamh will do a brief catch up. It will be about how literacy organizations can use social media to their advantage + how LQ can help.

Topic 5: Any other business – Open discussion
-Member: Scribe service used to fill out forms. Request from an organization who is looking to attend a Quebec government meeting and asked for a translation service. As a literary organization, it is a slippery slope.
-Educaloi webinar on Bill 96 on November 8th. Niamh will ask who can attend. If she can’t get a registration link, Niamh will take notes for everyone. 1:30-3:30 pm
-Discussion on tuition fee increases.
-Has anyone updated their registraire des entreprises account? If anyone has 5+ employees, has anyone experienced francization comments?
-CJAD host asked Julia to be interviewed about literacy, along with a learner. November 8? Will be mentioning Literacy Quebec helpline and members. Julia can send everyone questions and answers, and LQ can reshare/share post about it.

Next Member Meetup: November 20 at 11 AM

Meeting Notes: 2023-09-27

Date: 2023-09-27 Time: 11am Location: Zoom

Attendance (13): Laura Thompson (LQ), Jessica Leahy (LQ), Marlene Dagenais (LLC), Zoe Welch (LQ), Francoise Bravay (CVLC), Anne Mackay (SSLC), Angelina Leggo (GLC), Tabatha Brown-Gerkes (TLE), Julia Asselstine (LU), Julie (YL), Enza Ciampanelli (TLE), Darlene Brown (TLE), Cathy Nolan (QCRC)

Welcome back!
LQ extends a very warm welcome to Julia Asselstine at Literacy Unlimited, the newest Executive Director in our network. We look forward to collaborating with you and your team.

Topic 1: Scheduling of Member Meetups
-Meetups will continue once a month

Topic 2: Upcoming workshops & presentations
-Reminder that we have a Member Events Calendar in the Member Portal only for members
-You can also request events open to the public on Tockify calendar

Topic 3: Mental Health Conference
-If anyone has any questions, you can send them to Marie-Claude: [email protected]
-For the second day, we will do mindfulness stretching/exercises at Infinity Movement. So wear clothes that aren’t constricting, easy to move around in.

Topic 4: Any other business – Open discussion
-Does LQ take idea points from members before the member meetup? Yes, so if anyone has any topics they’d like brought up, you can let us know. Email Niamh at [email protected]
-Does anyone have updates on Bill 25? Niamh has been looking into a Bill 25 workshop
-Questions about M-30 Procedure, what forms need to be filled out, what levels of government need to be consulted
-Can LQ look into facilitating the procedure to get an M30? Which department of government needs to be consulted? If it is the Ministry of Education, for instance, who in that department must be consulted?


Meeting Notes: 2023-05-30

Date: 2023-05-30 Time: 2pm Location: Zoom

Attendance (15): Niamh Devaney, LQ, Laura Thompson, LQ, Jessica Leahy, LQ, Zoe Welch, LQ, Margo Legault, LQ, Ève B. St-Cyr, LQ, Anne Mackay, SSLC, Rachel Wagner, SSLC, Francoise Bravay, CVLC, Cheryl-Henry Leggo, GLC, Angelina Leggo, GLC, Marlene Dagenais, LLC, Enza Ciampanelli, TLE, Tabatha Brown-Gerkes, TLE, Wendy Seys, YLC

Topic 1: Upcoming Workshops

  • M-30 Rule on June 13, 1:30 PM. Will let you know if it can be recorded.
  • De-escalation workshop on June 15. Will be recorded.
  • Four Seasons of Indigenous Learning-Opportunity to learn about Indigenous culture. Takes place in October. Deadline for group sign up is May 31, 2023.

Topic 2: Charity Challenge Wrap up
Great success! Surpassed amount raised last year.
Note- Adam from TLE came in third place for those 14 years and younger. He did the 10k, and ran for an hour non-stop. Very well-deserved!

Topic 3: AGM Registration and info
LQ AGM taking place Tuesday, June 20th, from 1-2 pm

Topic 4: Learner Recruitment
What do most people do to get the word out there about their learning services?
It is a constant challenge. Worth of mouth, networking, Adult Education Centers, referrals, etc. Many people are in crisis mode (financial and mental illness). Case needs to be built for English literacy, as many immigrants are going to francisation classes.
Worth of mouth, Adult Education Center (CDC Vimont), make tutor hours available, and social media. Challenging to get learners, they come in pockets. This year, TLE is attending graduations and year end celebrations in daycares, providing activities for children and resources for parents.
What is the best way to track learners? Do people track where their learners come from?
Application question in form.
What do learners mostly ask for help with?

  • Mainly English and Math, specifically English conversation (e.g. immigrants)
  • Seniors and digital literacy. Math referrals, specifically secondary 3 math, from Adult Education Centers.
  • Many want to improve their employability and know questions for job interviews.
  • They come for referrals, and for a variety of reasons (how to access technology, drivers license documents, etc).
  • People come to us with non-literacy related questions because we are one of the few English organizations.

Topic 5: Open Floor
PACTE: Some orgs received comments or correction demands.
Margo: You should have received an email from PACTE. You could have one of three statuses: validated, validated with comments, correction demanded (go in there and actually submit a reply). Next to the bubble, there will be a place where you can respond. They might wait until people submit corrections before receiving estimated amounts.
Question about the PACTE funding based on the consumer index.

Margo: Those minimums and maximums on the index have both been increased.
Did anyone apply for CELI?
TLE applied – will not receive funding.
South Shore will receive funding. Project entails working with students from ACCES (Adult Education Center) to teach them the nine skills for success via weekly classes, tutoring, and mentoring.
What is PACTE’S budget right now?
Last year 45 million, this year 49 million. An increase of 3%.
Global funding is 45 million, with 215 organizations, average: 212 000

FOLLOW UP since the meeting
Question about requiring audits –
In the PACTE Cadre Normatif it states that an audit is only required if your provincial funding exceeds $150,000.
Federal funds (such as CELI) are not included in this total.
The document can be found here.

Date: November 29, 2022

  • LQ Christmas Zoom Party
  • Workshop with Alain
  • Salary scale discussion

Date: October 25, 2022

  • Meetings with Alain
  • New LQ Members and Staff

Date: September 13, 2022

  • Summer Catch up

Date: November 8, 2021

  • Data & Research Project with Jaimie Cudmore and Janosch Ortmann

Date: October 18, 2021

  • Social media with Peter Morgan

Date: September 13, 2021

  • Educaloi workshops

Date: June 14, 2021

  • Daniel Baril from Institut de cooperation pour l’education des adultes

Date: May 17, 2021

  • Summer planning

Date: April 26, 2021

  • Vaccinations

Date: April 15, 2021

  • Member Portal
  • Podcast

Date: March 29, 2021

  • Salary Tool
  • Elearning – Literacy and Clear Language 101
  • PACTE follow up.

Date: March 15, 2021

  • Projet Pacte Q&A
  • General Update

Date: February 15, 2021

  • StatsCan presentation
  • PACTE info

Date: February 1, 2021

  • General discussion
  • Zoom
  • Project Management

Date: January 18, 2021

  • Updates – Scotiabank Race
  • General discussion

Date: December 3, 2020

  • New Horizons for Seniors Project
  • Helpline Project
  • CLC Action Plans

Date: November 19, 2020

  • Lunch and Learn – Dr. Joe
  • Helpline
  • Podcast name
  • Family Literacy Day

Date: November 5, 2020

  • ProLiteracy
  • Tutor Training
  • Forward Planning

Date: October 22, 2020

  • Helpline

Date: October 8, 2020

  • Welcome back
  • Discussion
    • Funding
    • Recent Challenges
    • Online Tutoring

Date: July 2, 2020

  • Funding
  • Covid-19 Survey
  • Q&A – Online Tutoring

Date: June 25, 2020

  • Intro from Frontier College
  • Emergency Funding Applications
  • Virtual Tutoring

Date: June 17, 2020

  • Creating Successful Funding Proposals – Espace Idées

Date: June 10, 2020

  • The Emergency Support Fund and other support
  • Remote tutoring and digital resources
  • Funding and resources

Date: June 3, 2020

  • Emergency Community Support Fund and other support
  • By-laws, Policy and Procedures, storing documents, activities

Date: May 20, 2020

  • Summer closures and services
  • Ideas for LQ podcast episode
  • Online tutoring/Distance learning

Date: May 13, 2020

  • The 5-minute phone calls with PACTE
  • Future workspace
  • Online resources
  • Audits

Date: May 7, 2020

  • Update from PACTE
  • Hosting online AGM
  • Returning back to the office

Date: April 29, 2020

  • ABC Life Literacy Innovation Award
  • Mental Health Week

Date: April 22, 2020

  • Information Sharing
  • Online AGM planning