Literacy is More Than Knowing How to Read and Write.

A person who is literate can use reading, writing, speaking, and numerical skills effectively to understand and participate in the world around them.

However, literacy is not a fixed skill. It needs to be challenged and exercised. Otherwise, the skill will not strengthen and may weaken.

When it comes to low literacy, the image that usually comes to mind is an individual who cannot read or write at all. The reality is that there are levels of literacy. These levels affect many aspects of life and society. There are correlations between levels of literacy and a person’s health, their likelihood of civic participation, their chances of employment, their levels of self-confidence, etc.

Support, Resources and Services:

Check out Literacy Quebec’s Video Project More Than Words on a Page that depicts the struggles of living with low literacy.

The series features testimonials of adult literacy learners and volunteer literacy tutors.

Literacy Quebec and community-based literacy organizations provide many useful resources, services and practical solutions to help people in their communities get the literacy skills they need at home, at work and in the community.

Literacy Helpline

The Literacy Helpline is a FREE service that provides information and support for tasks that require reading, writing and/or digital literacy skills.

Family Literacy Tool Kit

The Family Literacy Tool Kit was originally developed by Literacy Quebec in partnership with the Silver Dollar Foundation.

This Tool Kit was designed for community groups and organizations who would like to host a family literacy event, but don’t know where to start. It provides resources, a planning guide, and the best practices for this type of event.

The updated second edition was published in 2022 is available here. You can also request printed copies here.

Social Media Toolkit for International Literacy Day

In 1965, UNESCO declared September 8 as International Literacy Day. To make celebrating even easier, we developed a Social Media Toolkit.
This Toolkit includes:

  • Bookmarks with your LOGO
  • 3 Posters (2 Legal-sized, 1 Letter-sized)
  • 4 Facebook Coverpages
  • 7 General Social Media Posts
  • List of good hashtags to use

Click on the button below to access the toolkit.